Easy songs to sing for beginners: 30+ simple pop & classical songs under one octave
If you're looking for easy songs to sing for beginners, this guide [...]
How to fix a raspy singing voice fast (proven methods & exercises)
How to fix a raspy singing voice? Getting a hoarse voice [...]
How to practice singing – my fun and efficient roadmap
Do you love singing practice? With a teacher? Sure. But practicing at [...]
Best apps in 2025 to learn how to sing
Can you learn to sing with a singing app? I wanted to [...]
How to become a great vocal coach
How to become a great vocal coach? Teaching voice is about more [...]
Alle koren van Utrecht
Linor OrenZanglerares en koorleider The Merry PoppinsHier is een overzicht van alle [...]
Alle koren van Amsterdam
Als zangdocent en koorleider viel het me op dat veel [...]
All choirs of Amsterdam
As a singing teacher and choir director, I noticed that many [...]
The best karaoke apps, for parties and practice
Being a singer, I find myself often in need of a good [...]
All choirs of Utrecht
As a singing teacher and choir director, I noticed that many of [...]
How to become a voice actor (guest post)
Voice acting is a fun, rewarding, and often lucrative venture for those [...]
The best online singing courses: a singing teacher’s pick
Updated August 2024. When you purchase through links on our site, I [...]
Student concerts
Christmas concert 2023What a blast this was. My choir performed [...]
Tips for a healthier and more attractive speaking voice
What should your voice sound like when you are trying to make [...]
How to (really) learn a song
It happened to me and my students more times than I can [...]
Learning to sing at an older age – when is it too late?
When is it too late to (learn how to) sing? Are you [...]
How to sing and play an instrument at the same time
Most people struggle with singing and playing an instrument at the same [...]
Zangles in Amsterdam-Noord: alle docenten
Een overzicht van alle zangdocenten in Amsterdam-Noord. Wat is hun specialiteit en [...]
Singing lessons in Amsterdam North
I made a list of the vocal instructors you can find in [...]
How often to take singing lessons
Singing is like a language, or a mix between a language and [...]
Singing on stage: 6 ways to make it fun for yourself and the audience
After reading this article you’ll know what your intention should be when [...]
‘Why am I so bad at singing?’ – my manifesto
I interviewed people in the park. Were they told they can't sing [...]
Online singing lessons: the pros and cons
Me teaching onlineIn this article you’ll learn about the advantages and disadvantages [...]
Singers: how to get over stage fright
Can we get rid of our stage fright as singers? For me, I [...]
Sing out of tune? Let’s fix it!
How can one stay on key when singing? Most people go about [...]
Vocal warm-up exercises
How to warm up your voice for singing? When you start a [...]
How to become a professional singer: the 6 skills you need
Had you asked me twenty years ago how to become a professional [...]
Can anyone learn to sing?
Can anyone learn to sing? I don’t like it when voice teachers [...]
Breath support exercises for singing: my favorite ones
The number one controversy in singing advice must be breath support. So [...]
Vocal cord exercises: for real control over your singing
I remember teachers telling me to close my vocal cords, and occasionally [...]
Cheap voice lessons – how to spend less money on singing
Everyone wants a quick, easy and cheap voice lesson. Even better - [...]
How does singing work?
How does singing work? And why do singers need to learn about [...]
Mixed voice exercises: how to mix chest and head voice
When you start looking into vocal technique you will discover terms such [...]
Vocal resonance exercises: get more power and volume
How to sing louder without effort and without losing your voice? Join [...]
How to sing without straining
Do you feel like you're making a lot of effort while singing, [...]
How to sing in head voice without losing that rich quality
Before we start with my 4 favourite head voice exercises, let's talk [...]
How to belt high notes: chest voice exercises
If you're into pop and rock style singing, you are wondering how [...]
Vocal exercises to increase range
So you want a wider range when singing? Welcome to the club. If [...]
How to sing with an open throat
One of the most basic and crucial elements of singing is learning [...]
How is Adele’s singing in 2022?
Being a big Adele fan, I can't help but getting emotionally attached [...]
Zangles in Utrecht – alle zangdocenten op een rij
Ik zet de locaties en specialismen van de zangleraren op een rijtje. [...]
Singing lessons in Utrecht
Where in Utrecht can I get me some good vocal coach? I [...]
How to prepare for a singing performance
How do you prepare for a singing performance? After reading this article [...]
Mistakes and obstacles as a performer
Podcast with guitarist and guitar teacher Vincent Janse We talked about the [...]
Interviewing Nani about her breakthrough as an artist – or is there such a thing?
My good friend Noam (Nani) is one of the most artistically gifted [...]
What is my voice type?
What is my voice type? Am I a tenor, a baritone, a [...]
7 yoga poses that improve your singing
A good singing pose... is standing up, right? Not sitting, ideally. But... [...]
Kill those moments of hesitation
There was a time when I spent all my hard-earned babysitting money [...]
Alexander Technique Singing Exercises
Alexander Technique for singers is a quite well known approach. Actually, Alexander [...]
I answer FAQ’s about my online course
After launching my online singing course Make singing [...]
Course map of Make singing click
In the video I give a quick look [...]
Singing advice from my ex
Do you know what it's like to be [...]
How to sing high notes: 3 tricks to not mess them up
How to sing high notes? I was looking for a personal anecdote [...]
Writing the arrangement of The place where lost things go
Ever since seeing Mary Poppins returns in cinema with [...]
Awkward things that audience members tell musicians after a show
I interviewed my good friend singer Noam Vazana about the strange, funny and [...]
Self-massage tryout: good for singers?
On my Youtube channel, I recently did a podcast with Antranik, an [...]
Giving an emergency online lesson – what I learned myself
It’s not the first time a student reaches out [...]
Podiumangst overwinnen – zo lukte het mij in fases
In een ander stuk schreef ik dat mijn vader mij erg graag [...]
My reaction to Dimash Diva Dance
By popular demand, and because of my own [...]
Noam and Linor react to Dimash Sinful Passion
I invited my great friend and singer Noam Vazana [...]
My reaction to the vocal range of Dimash
This name kept popping up when my [...]
The effect Elvis had on me
This is a fragment of the Ed [...]
My reaction to Maria Callas, Casta Diva
I've always relished in listening to opera [...]
My reaction to Freddie Mercury’s voice in 1981
To my amazement, my latest Youtube video [...]
My reaction video to Freddie Mercury at Live Aid
I recently saw Bohemian Rhapsody about Queen and Freddie Mercury, but [...]
When the jaw drops… yesss!
Most lessons I give have their smaller or bigger 'yes [...]
Online zangles: kun je zo echt leren zingen?
Als je me 15 jaar geleden had verteld dat mensen nu [...]
Learning to sing as a novice: three things that struck me
When it comes to singing, I, Erik, Linors husband am a [...]
What happened when an opera singer met a jazz pianist in Amsterdam
During the break, at the bar, before I would climb the [...]
Learning to sing: how is Erik progressing?
It is obvious to most that practice makes perfect. On the [...]
Hoe vaak moet je zanglessen nemen?
Zingen is als een taal, een lichaamstaal zo je wilt. Als [...]
Waarom yoga en zingen GOED samengaan
Kun je zingen tijdens de yoga? Wil je dat? En zo ja, [...]
Why singers should do sports – 7 tips if you are lazy
As a singing student, I had major difficulties singing freely. Nine [...]
Why is making a fool of yourself good for your voice?
What do you see in this photo? A bunch of people [...]
The chest – our neglected friend
No longer a little mouse...Maybe you feel it's time to stop shushing [...]
Voice tip 1 for a sore throat
What is most of my students’ biggest mistake? I’ll be honest, I [...]