How well you practice will determine how well you can leverage what you pick up from teachers and other sources. Good practice is systematic. Hunting for your vocal issues, finding what works for you, drilling that in, and moving to the next issue. Simple as that.
Learning to sing
Too often people walk around with the wrong idea that the ability to sing is something you either have or don’t. Not true. You can learn it.

Easy songs to sing for beginners: 30+ simple pop & classical songs under one octave
If you're looking for easy songs to sing for beginners, this guide will help. Singing simple, one-octave songs isn’t just for beginners—it's a crucial

How to practice singing – my fun and efficient roadmap
Do you love singing practice? With a teacher? Sure. But practicing at home, relying on yourself? Not many would answer “yes, wholeheartedly”. That’s a

How to become a great vocal coach
How to become a great vocal coach? Teaching voice is about more than just technique—it’s about helping students find confidence, and overcome fear. Why?

How to (really) learn a song
It happened to me and my students more times than I can count. You get ready to sing a song you thought you knew

Learning to sing at an older age – when is it too late?
When is it too late to (learn how to) sing? Are you too old to take voice lessons? Can one improve their voice later

How to sing and play an instrument at the same time
Most people struggle with singing and playing an instrument at the same time. But we just love singing, and we love playing. So we

How often to take singing lessons
Singing is like a language, or a mix between a language and a motor skill , if you will. When learning a new language,

Sing out of tune? Let’s fix it!
How can one stay on key when singing? Most people go about it the wrong way. Instead of controlling and correcting your pitch while

How to become a professional singer: the 6 skills you need
Had you asked me twenty years ago how to become a professional singer, I would have guessed: talent, hard work and luck.But today I

Can anyone learn to sing?
Can anyone learn to sing? I don’t like it when voice teachers answer this question with: absolutely 100 percent yes. It sounds like they’re

Cheap voice lessons – how to spend less money on singing
Everyone wants a quick, easy and cheap voice lesson. Even better - learn to sing for free! Why not. Is this possible? To learn

How to sing high notes: 3 tricks to not mess them up
How to sing high notes? I was looking for a personal anecdote of me struggling with a high note. But there’s simply too many

About the author
Linor Oren
I'm an opera singer and (online) voice teacher, based in Amsterdam. It took me more than a decade to overcome my share of mental and physical issues and reach a professional level as a singer. Because of this background, and my 10+ years of teaching experience, I believe I can speed up your learning curve as a singer.
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Eye-openers, tips and stories. Also content that I don't publish on my website.