Starter kit

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7 Lessons

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Starter kit

Customers only

Learn how to use you personal sheet for making notes and keeping track of you progress

Video lesson

Customers only

Customers only

Customers only

We sing Do-Re-Mi from The Sound of Music, but on lip trills, tongue trills, rolled R or the Lax Vox Straw! Tip: do the first few minutes of the Lax Vox Tutorial before this.

Video lesson

Customers only

Customers only

Video lesson


About the teacher

Linor Oren

I help aspiring singers unlock their true voice and overcome performance anxiety, so they can finally enjoy the singing life they’ve postponed for too long.

  • Lester canidy says:

    Hello, I can’t get into this course. It doesn’t have a reset password function. Please enable a way for me to continue the course.

    • Linor Oren says:

      Hi Lester, it looks like my email reach your spam box, I already emailed you twice since I saw this comment. Please check this. I also replied on paypal itself, but they have censored the email address I’ve indicated (both mine and yours). In any case, you have been through a very unpleasant experience and that bothers me. I want to fix this asap and I will also offer you a free private lesson as a compensation. What you can do to help our communication is send me a personal email at That way it will make sure my emails will not go into your spam anymore. Then we can also grant you access to the course again.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}