How to book your first tour and not lose money on it – or your mind
As a beginning artist you can get overwhelmed by the things it takes to book a tour. Where to even start!? And with so many options, so many ways to spend and potentially waste money, a world that seems so inpenetrable, even political at times… you would almost lose your love for the music.
“If they don’t want me, should I change my act?”
Believe us, we’ve been there.
But no. Deep down you know you have something to give. The times you stood in front of a live audience (small or big), something happened with you and the crowd. You sense that you belong there. If only you had a system to navigate you through all the pitfalls and crossroads.
Meet your teachers – and read what we went through

We, Noam Vazana and Linor Oren, are good friends and singers. One night we were reminiscing about the early stages of our careers (we’re 35-ish now), musing over silly mistakes and also fun times and early successes. A thought that stuck was:
‘What if we could give our 10 year younger selves, struggling to start a career, all the know-how we have gathered since?’
Noam, then
The way I, Noam, promoting myself in the early days… I made mistakes that make me blush a bit thinking about it. For instance, I was way too blunt in self promotion. I didn’t understand the game and the hierarchy of the business yet. I also remember randomly mailing dozens of info@ email addresses, unsurprisingly with not a lot of results.
Noam, now
It took some blood, sweat and tears, but I’m pretty much where I want to be now. I did 90 shows in 2018, sometimes for sold out halls, like Bimhuis for Amsterdam Roots Festival. In Cordoba, Spain, I played for a crowd of 3000 and won the Sephardic Music Award. More importantly: I do it on my own terms. I create and play the music I like and people invite me.
Linor, then
10 years ago I was in heavy student mode. I studied opera with great teachers in Berlin and New York. I’m still thankful for that great foundation of my singing technique. But becoming a good singer is one thing – having a career is another…
Linor, now
I’ve toured with a big musical company through Germany. After moving to Amsterdam in 2017 I rediscovered myself as a voice teacher, also hosting team events for companies such as Heineken. I’ve become savvy in (online) marketing. My Youtube channel has over 20k subscribers and my singing studio is one of the top 3 in Amsterdam – says Google, so who am I to argue ;)?
Bootcamp DIY: for whom?
This bootcamp is for anyone who can play but doesn’t know how to book. So:
– for singers and/or performers who work in the music/entertainment business, but are not yet able to make a full living of it.
– performers who have their own repertoire and want to make the shift from amateur gigs to professional gigs.
– artists want to book their first tour, or at least first successful tour in terms of satisfaction and money

The results you’ll get
– You’ll get the realization that you don’t need to change your artistic choices. Instead, you’ll know how to find your specific audience.
– You’ll have the mindset to go for it rather than wondering if you’re good enough, which creates better results.
– You’ll skip years of ‘beginner’s mistakes’ regarding approaching venues, mailing, social media, and investing in general. Save yourself a lot of frustration and money.
– You’ll know how to use your energy in the right moments on tour, preventing a burnout.
– The art of effective follow-up work: often forgotten but this has a high ‘return on investment’
– How to create a fan base.
– BONUS: You’ll know how to network without exerting yourself. Be a great networker without needing to actually network.
“Noam’s insights and tips in the DIY panel at WOMEX18 really inspired me to get to work and promote my String Quartet. After quitting our Agent, I had to sell our programs myself. Noam’s DIY panel made me see the benefits of being self-sufficient and now I’m even having fun at it.”
“I have found my voice in more than one way, I guess. I used to feel shy, but after Linors lessons I feel relaxed when giving presentations, or any occasion when all eyes are on me. I notice that this confidence helps me influence people. They follow my guidance more readily than they used to do.”
“I could relate to the experiences Noam shared as I too am a DIY artist. Her session gave me insight on how to craft an identity as an artist and successfully build a live-set that is interesting. I would highly recommend it to any aspiring independent artists that are trying to build their musical identity.״

Don’t change your art, change the formula with which you market yourself